Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It would seem that the majority of the very adorable pictures I spent half-an-hour downloading, uploading and sideloading onto our humble blog have become invisible. I can only assume that the Blogger has deemed these photos to be too adorable and has launched some extensive investigation into their authenticity.

They were really nice pictures too. Simon, Elliot and Andrea all appeared prominently in the collection.

I'll try again in the near future.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Umm.. no thank you.

Us: "Elliot, time for your pajamas."
He: "Umm... no thank you."

Us: "Elliot, would you like a clean diaper?"
He: "Umm... no thank you."
Us: "Maybe we should explain. You see, we were just being polite. You really need to have a new diaper."

Apparently Elliot Murray believes that by adding an umm... at the beginning and a thankyou at the end of any defiance, it makes him seem thoughtful and considerate.

What he thinks we think:

"well... he has said no, but he put some thought into it first. And he was nice enough to say thankyou to us for offering him the opportunity for a new diaper and so perhaps we should listen to what he has to say."

What we really think:

"this isn't going to go very well."

Then I pick him up and take him to the clean diapers. This scene always reminds me of Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader picks up the Emperor because, as the Emperor continues tossing lightning bolts at his betrayer while air-lifted, Elliot continues to say "No Thankyou" over and over in a louder and more frustrated voice.

Simon is Chewbacca in this particular allusion.

Misty is a Jawa.



you are a power converter.



that is all.


Elliot is two. This is becoming more apparent to me every day. He can become quite hostile at times and will sometimes completely ignore or defy his parents (of which I am one).
Still, he brings joy and amazement to our family each day too.
I'm just looking forward to his turning three (or thereabouts).

Saturday, February 24, 2007


He has made a song about himself. It goes like this:

"Elliot is a big boy, he is great."

No self-image deficiencies with this little gentleman.


Baby Simon Arie loves his bouncy chair. When he is sleepy he likes to bounce and vibrate in it. When he is awake he likes to play with the petals which make lights and music appear. He laughs and smiles while he plays.
He also loves to be on his tummy.
He also loves to be with him mommy.
Loves to have cream put on his bummy.

He is growing out of clothes, growing into others.

Last night he was babysat for the second time ever. Mom and Dad went to watch a high school production of The Crucible. Aunty Shelley and Aunty Michelle stayed at home with Elliot and Simon. They did well.



We went back to skating today. Cloverdale Arena. 2:45pm. Almost didn't make it. But we did. Elliot was tired, so very tired. But he did great. Stood up on his skates by himself (though he was quite upset with me for letting go). Walked on his skates with me only holding one of his hands. He knocked over a collection of bowling pins which had been set up for him by his instructor.
Every Saturday is "Hockey Day in Canada" for Elliot now.

Elliot Murray: "what day is it today, daddy?"
David Stanley: "today is Saturday, elliot."
Elliot Murray: "Hockey Day in Canada?"
David Stanley: "Yeah, that is right. It is Hockey Day in Canada today."

Only a couple of lessons left now.
Great progress has been made.

from the shadows



and then I spring out at you

with news of our family

you were unexpecting

weren't you?