Friday, March 03, 2006

Elliot sees Patty Live

Elliot's first concert was a success. We arrived at the Bell Center for Performing Arts in Surrey about half an hour before the show started and spent some time hanging out in the large interactive play area before finding our seats. Then Elliot sat still and stared as Lunar Jim, Patty, Kush and Clifford ran around the stage, singing and dancing.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with these characters. Every morning Elliot gets up with his dad and watches CBC Kids at 7am. He is so enamoured with Patty that he has been seen kissing her on the tv screen. Often times as his dad carries him down the stairs Elliot can be heard whispering somewhat incoherently, "patty......patty.....".
After the concert was over they handed out friendship bracelets to all the kids and Elliot often points to it now and says "patty".
Also, anytime he hears the theme song for CBC Kids he runs from wherever he is in the house to the tv and stares at whatever is going on.
I suppose a summary statement would go something like this:

"Elliot likes CBC Kids programming".

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