Wednesday, October 01, 2008

not to be forgotten...

Simon, the less flamboyant of the Ashton boys, is truly coming into his own these last few weeks. He is very polite (quick with his thankyou's and excuse-me's), loves everything to do with hockey (all he really needs is two figures and a penny to entertain himself for hours) and is greatly appreciative of naps and eating nearly all foods (which makes us wonder if he may be, in many ways, a bizarro world Elliot).
Just as his brother needed me to read "The Hockey Sweater" every night for a million years, Simon has chosen "Clancy with the Puck" which is a great book but no matter how many times I read the book, Clancy always hits the goal post and loses the game for the Maple Buds. Maybe I'll change the ending myself just once to mix it up a little.

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