Monday, October 24, 2005

Things Elliot has Learned

He has been changing quite a bit, learning so much that we can hardly keep track any more. He is eating so many new foods now, it has been fun experimenting with him. He has been playing more with his friends, and even strangers. He went for a walk today with his mom and kids everywhere were clamoring to hang out with him.
Elliot has been singing a lot more, and his singing is getting more impressive.
He has been feeding himself, which can be messy but his mom is encouraging it just the same.
He has been climbing onto furniture and standing on furniture (which we have been discouraging him from doing, but what are you going to do?).
He has added a few new dance moves to his routine. He has been dancing to the Wiggles, Raffi, Ann Murray, Question Period theme song from CTV, Hockey Night in Canada themesong, Oh Canada, God Save the Queen, noises emanating from his toys and even songs that must be in his head because we can't hear them.
He knows exactly what noises a fish and a dog make. He thinks all animals except fish pant like dogs do. He really really likes the Littlest Hobo.
He no longer seems to be fearful of his Grandpa Verwoerd and even had a fun time with him during their last visit.
I'm sure there are other things which have happened, and hopefully I'll remember them and add them to future blog entries.
If you'd like to see all of his most recent pictures, click on the word Gargamel.

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