Monday, June 26, 2006

Elliot tours pre-2010

Elliot's Westcoast Grandparents graciously shared their wonderful timeshare in Whistler with our humble family. We had a great time.
We arrived in Whistler on Friday night and Elliot went to sleep really well (which most of you parents will understand is a hit-and-miss kind of affair).
He woke up at about five thirty in the morning and we played quietly in the great big room while mum slept. Then at seven we split and went for a nice two hour walk through a very quiet, very clean, very lovely Whistler village. Only the coffee shops were open and we shared a great big chocolate chip cookie and tried some Ronald McDonald 1 percent milk (failing grade I'm afraid).
Then we went back to the hotel where Aunty Shelley made some spectacular waffles for everyone. Following breakfast we all went for a walk through a busier Whistler village. We had Greek lunch and returned to the hotel to take Elliot for his first ever swim - which he loved.
We went out for dinner, his dad lost miserably at Sequence (sorry partner Shelley, who tried her very best to win despite me).
Sunday morning Elliot woke up early again and we went and blew bubbles in front of the official information shack for the 2010 Winter Olympics.
More breakfast, packed up, walked the village and up to a very lovely Farmer's Market.
Then the beach at Alice Lake.
Pictures below:

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