Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today I was reading with Elliot prior to his bed time and we were reading I Have To Go, by Robert Munsch(Canada's own). Just for fun I decided to replace the main protagonist's name with Elliot's and so every time Andrew had to go pee, I would say that it was Elliot. When Andrew had to put his winter coat on, it was actually Elliot who put his winter coat on. Elliot was quite enthralled by this, a story about him. Nearing the end of the story he took a full step backwards, pointing directly to his chest and said "Elliot!"
This is awfully cool because we have been patiently teaching him his name for a few months and he has been saying it quite often now. We'll say, "Who does Mommy love?" And he'll say "Elliot!" But I had never seen him name himself unprompted until tonight. Posted by Picasa

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