Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Blog of the Month - August 2006

This month's award goes to the Pop Culture Pusher. We don't always agree with Uncle Mark, but we always respect his insightfulness and zeal for popular culture. He doesn't read this blog so he'll never know, but he has won our award this month.


ramblin'andie said...

Okay, which of you is related to Uncle Mark?? Are you seriously? CRAZY small world. He's FAMOUS (11:07 day anyone?)

Have a great trip. Look forward to reading about it when you get to blogging about it :)

Ned Noodle said...

Okay, he's not really anyone's uncle in this household. He is one of Andrea's best friends from highschool and we hang out with him a lot, more often than any of Elliot's real uncles actually. We awarded him honourary uncleage.
What are you doing visiting blogs, Mrs. Menary, when you should be having a baby or something!

Blackout said...

I thank you for the prestigious award. Do I also receive a complimentary gift basket filled with chocolate, ipods and decorative soaps? BTW, I do check out your blog once in a while but I guess it's pretty obvious that I haven't latley. I should probably update my own blog sometime, I don't want to anger the award gods.

Uncle Mark