Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Oh the things he says...

"Elliot have chocolate? Okay, good. Come daddy." Is how Elliot asks for chocolate.

"Mommy read the books with Elliot? Okay, bye bye daddy." Elliot trying to convince us that it should be mommy putting him to bed and not the-much-less-fun daddy.

"Kitty, where are you?" Calling for Misty, our cat.

"Tate's Mommy, where are you?" Calling from our next door neighbour's driveway and towards the front of Tate's house.

"Bye daddy, see you lunch." How he says goodbye to me as I leave for work.

"Elliot sad." He often says as he is crying, usually when he's tired.

"Too loud." He will say with respect to he tv, radio, etc... "Just right." He will say after proper adjustments are made.

"See you later alligator... in a while crocodile." Followed by a line from the Doodlebops, "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Doodlebops always finish those lines with, "How'd she do that?" after Jasmine disappears into thin air.

One of my new favourite Elliot lines happens when he does something he's not supposed to do. For example: Elliot throws part of his lunch on the floor. He then looks at me and says, "Elliot, no throwing. Understand?"

I'm glad he listens to us.