Thursday, December 21, 2006

So there I was...

... in the operating room, baby popping out of Andrea's tummy. Then there I was at the assessment table where I got to sort of cut the inedible cord (I might have spelled that wrongly).

In between those two events Andrea and I enjoyed a couple of blessings. Firstly, Simon was making good noises as opposed to the strange grunting Elliot was doing when he emerged. Elliot wasn't doing as well the last few hours in his mummy's tummy. Secondly, the colour in Simon was nice reddish pink. Elliot was gray. The few minutes following Elliot's emergence were worrisome. Not so with Simon.

Then they wrapped him up in blankets, put his hat on his little head and allowed me to carry him over to visit his mom while Hawkeye and Trapper replaced those pieces of mother that they had displaced and then took a stapler to her incision (doctoring and upholstering seem very similar at times).

Then I was sent up to the Maternity ward by myself and Simon while his mum recovered for a couple of hours.

We went into an examination room with a nurse and she measured him (some twenty one inches long) and weighed him (ten pounds ten ounces) and took his blood sugar (an unpleasant 1.3). With such a low blood sugar, I fed him about 45 ml of formula up in our ward room while we waited for mum to come back to us.

1 comment:

Sheldon Kotyk said...

Congrats guys. Simon looks like he'll be walking in no time!

He may already be close to Ava's size.