Monday, July 10, 2006

Elliot speaks

Our son talks a lot. A lot a lot. Quite a bit a lot a lot. We are very thankful for this as we can now communicate with him and reason with him and explain things to him and have him respond etc...
I think a big reason for his communicative skills is his mother's patience with him. She so often responds to his crying or screaming with a patience and kindness than I have also appreciated.

He said some pretty cool things today, as reported by his mom:

- As I was leaving for work this morning, Elliot said after me "See you later David. See you lunch time".

- When Tate was whining about naptime, Elliot patiently and kindly offered "No sad Tate" to try to calm him down.

- When Mommy wanted to share some corn at lunch, Elliot disagreed "No corn Mommy, Elliot corn eat".

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