Tuesday, July 11, 2006

perchance to dream...

Every morning when I head into Elliot's room, I poke my head in first.
"Hi Daddy!" Elliot proclaims.
"Hi Elliot. Are you all done sleeping?" I ask.
"All done sleeping." Elliot answers.
"Did you have a good sleep, Elliot?" I continue.
"Good sleep." He answers again.
"Did you have any dreams last night?"

And here is the part that I'm not sure about. He tells me about things, but I can't really believe that he understands the question. I have talked to him about dreams quite a few times and he always amazes me with his knowledge and understanding but is this for real? He's not even two yet.

"Mona, Nana, Russell, bed, woof woof." Was one answer to my dream question.
"Annika, Chloe, goldfish... all done." Was another answer he gave once.
"Mommy, Daddy, Kitty, ouch." Was another one I remember.

Oh well, true or not, seeing Elliot in the morning is still a highlight in the day for me.

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