Monday, July 31, 2006

Unplanned Dinner Out

We were at Guildford Mall today, doing some shopping, when it quickly became five thirty in the afternoon and we hadn't been to the library yet. So we decided to go to Whitespot where Elliot could eat his food out of a pirate ship. Unfortunately the Whitespot at Guildford was closed for renovations so we went to Red Robins. Elliot ordered his own food, followed by a please and thankyou. He ate his grilled cheese sandwich, fries, ketchup and entertained our neighbours in the process.

1 comment:

Elsa Jane said...

i went to red robin recently too! i even entertained the people at the table next to us. i bet they were thinking "oh no, a crying baby" but i proved them wrong. sounds like we have a lot in common - except i don't eat sandwiches yet.