Thursday, September 28, 2006

Old picture.
Our boy has picked up a few more adorable habits recently. Whenever anything happens that isn't supposed to happen (eg. something falls onto the floor or Dad's arm turns into a cucumber) Elliot will often say "wha- happened, mommy?"
He will also argue with us and it will usually look something like this:
He: "Whassat Daddy?"
Me: "Well, Elliot. That is a pineapple."
He: "No Daddy, issa kitty."
Me: "No, son. It is definitely a pineapple. See the green leaves poking out of the top...?"
He: "Nooooooo Daddieeeeee. Issa pineapple."
Me: "Okay, Elliot. It is a pineapple."
He: "No daddy, issa kitty. Meow." Posted by Picasa

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