Monday, September 11, 2006

So how about two cousins?

Yeah. So anyways, Elliot has a cousin coming via Uncle Andrew and (perhaps more importantly) Auntie Cara. Though now we've learned that their baby quantity has changed. Ultrasound today showed two babies. Twins. Two cousins. And Grandma and Grandpa suddenly go from one grandchild to four by February.
Apparently Cara has lots of twins in her family...

Andrea's mom is a twin and, as fate has declared, also an aunt who is a twin. Strange coincidence. However, you don't see us popping out twins.

I will never understand genetics. Nor will I ever believe it. I think it is a faulty science. Up there with witchcraft and scientology. I can't remember which one Tom Cruise is big on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's really creepy is that the other week we went to a baby items consignment sale and ran into our next door neighbours who moved in a few months after us and are approx. the same age as us. He's a carpenter and I'm becoming an electrician (both trades). She's an accountant and Cara is a financial planner (fairly similar). Turns out they're also expecting and are due 4 days after us. Also... they're expecting twins. Clearly there is some sort of inter-dimensional mirror effect going on between our attached driveways. Come to think of it, our houses are almost mirror images of each other. And they have a dog and we have a rosemary plant... which is... similar... somehow.